Friday, April 25, 2014


It's Friday! Yay!
 Time for reflecting. This shot was taken at the Corning Museum in Corning, NY...
...and this one is from a visit to Lancaster,  PA. It was a beautiful morning. Unlike this morning. It's raining here and the farmers are trying to get in the fields.

Happy Friday!

Linking to Weekend Reflections


EG CameraGirl said...

Oh, I have been to that museum in Corning! This is a lovely photo of glass. And the pond photo reminds me of warmer days yet to come. ;)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love these photos! That bench looks like a good spot to watch the sunset.

TexWisGirl said...

the glassware is pretty, but that 2nd shot is gorgeous!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh -- that is the clearest sharpest reflection shot I think I've ever seen... just beautiful. Hope your rain lets up -- sounds like it's the wrong time of the year for it.

Duke said...

The crystal is so beautiful!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The glass ware is lovely however the second shots is outstandingly beautiful and stunning. not a movement to create a perfect reflection. Hope you have a great weekend.

'Tsuki said...

Those cristal pieces are stunning ! Glass art is such a diffcult art but it is so creative... And your water reflection is perfect ! Have a nice week-end.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I had the best pizza in Corning!

Jim said...

The water is so still

Brian King said...

Beautiful reflections!

Beth said...

Beautiful photos! The first photo was so unique!

Gail Dixon said...

Those crystal pieces are gorgeous!! And that pond reflection is sheer perfection.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Roan;
What a GORGEOUS reflection♡♡♡ I Wish I could take pics like that p;)
LOVE the great glassware at the museum(^_^)v

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

Wonderful reflection click!

Gerald (SK14) said...

lovely refelctions

Unknown said...

Oh My! That crystal is absolutely gorgeous. What can I say about that lake reflection, brilliant!