Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pigeon in a Fountain

This pigeon was hanging out on a fountain down on Beale Street in Memphis.

Linking to Saturday's Critters and the Bird D'pot

Friday, September 5, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday Five

1. For Wednesday Hodge Podge I mentioned wearing a Can Can to my first day of school. There were those who didn't know what it was. I guess the term has gone the way of the Choo Choo Bag and White Lipstick. For those of you who are too young to remember, a Can Can looks similar to this:

Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons

Mine was all white and the netting was extremely stiff and scratchy. It was very difficult to sit for long hours. The netting would embed itself in your skin. Not comfortable at all!

2. I mentioned before our coffee maker was having trouble making coffee. It finally bit the dust. JD brought home a new Bunn, but it isn't the Bunn like I'm familiar with. This one is like a regular coffee maker in that there is no tank of hot water to start an immediate drip. This one takes 10 minutes to brew and it has an 8 cup limit. Hopefully it will last longer than our old one. I'm enjoying a cup right now.

3. I went to the family reunion last Sunday. My mom's side of the family. It was nice seeing my aunt and uncles. My grandparents had 14 children, which means I have tons of relatives. Sadly, I didn't know very many of the people there. I moved away in 1973 and back in 2005, so even the ones I knew before look so different I don't recognize them. I really need to spend more time meeting relatives.

When I saw this picture, a Sesame Street song popped into my head. One of these things is not like the other....

4. I'm singing the same old song—internet woes. I thought for sure this modem had fixed my problem until Punky Doodle called a couple of days ago. The phone is still stuttering (going dead, coming back, going dead, coming back). The internet is doing the same thing, only not quite as constant as it was before. I need to call them but due to my macrophobia, I'm putting it off. Definition: fear of long waits. Mine isn't quite a fear, more like a dread.

5. Shamless plug - Stranger on the shore is now available.  


Barnes and Noble

Linking to Willy Nilly Friday Five

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Good Fences

So, thought my computer woes were over. It isn't as bad, but I'm still having trouble with the internet stuttering. I'll be trying to post and it will go off for a minute or two and then come back. Our home telephone is through the cable company also and it does the same thing. When talking to Punky Doodle, I can hear her, but she can't hear me. So, I say, "Hello, hello,  hello," until she can hear me again. It is very frustrating. I don't have time to spend hours on the phone waiting for a representative to come on the line!

I like finding these huge old concrete posts. This one is just around the corner from where my parents lived.

Linking to Good Fences

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wordy Birdie and Some Hodgepodge

Another female red-winged blackbird yelling at me.

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday

1.  What's something you wanted to do this summer that you never got around to actually doing?

I wanted to go visit my friends in Texas and have some good Mexican food. I'm having withdrawals and need a fix. I couldn't find time to take off work, so my trip has been postponed. I may have an opportunity in November or next spring. 

2. Share a favorite memory of your own back -to-school days as a child.

It was the year of can-cans. I finally got one and proudly wore it on the first day of school. Of course about an hour into the day I secretly wanted to trash it. It dug into my skin and made sitting down more than uncomfortable, but I was stylin'!

3.  What's one chore or daily task you prefer doing 'old-school' ?

It isn't something I like to do, but I still get down on my hands and knees to scrub the kitchen floor at least once a month. The rest of the time I use a mop, but it doesn't feel as clean to me.

4.  Share something you've learned in life through the 'school of hard knocks'.

Never write down something you don't want everyone to read. My brother read my diary aloud to my parents. I was mortified!

5.  As a child, did you mostly bring or buy your lunch for school? What was your favorite thing to find in your lunchbox?

I mostly ate lunch at school, but occasionally mom would let me take my lunch. My favorite thing to find inside my bag was—drum roll please—a banana! I loved bananas and it was a rare occasion when us kids got to have one. They were generally reserved for my dad's lunchbox.

6. Football season is upon us which has me wondering... how big of a sports fan are you (not just football) ? On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being 'I scream at the players through my television screen' and 1 being 'is knitting a sport?' where do you fall in fandom? 

I'm somewhere in the middle so I'll say 5. I used to be a 10, but I don't watch sports as much as I used to. Now I can take it or leave it. There isn't a home team here in middle-of-nowhere Illinois, so I don't feel like I have a horse in the race. I was and am still a Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys fan.  JD likes to watch Nascar, so I do watch the races with him. He hates Kyle Busch, so I always cheer for Kyle. It makes the race more fun.

7. Share a favorite quote you think might inspire students of all ages at the start of a new school year.

A person is a person no matter how small. Be buddies, not bullies.

8. Random thought.

I went to our family reunion last Sunday. Mom's side of the family. I got to meet a first cousin I didn't know I had. She was the daughter of my mom's brother. He wasn't married to her mother, so I'm assuming that's why I've never heard of her. Grandma had 14 kids and a huge number of grandchildren. None of them really look like Grandma, except this new cousin. I couldn't stop staring. It was lovely to meet her. I wish I could have known her sooner.

Linking to Wednesday Hodgepodge

Monday, September 1, 2014

Rubbish Tuesday #18

It's Rubbish time again. Hope you have some old stuff to share.

No longer used and rusting away.

I think this bike would have made a better yard art display without the pole.

And LOVE this old latch.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will join in the fun.

My idea was to have a place to post 'old things'. Anything old and/or deteriorating such as old houses, barns, outbuildings, old cars, rusty things, antiques, interesting junk, or it can be something in pristine condition, but just old.
1. Link to a post featuring photos of something old.
2. Link back to Rubbish by Roan in your post.
3. As time allows, visit other participants and comment on their posts.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)