Springfield, Illinois Abraham Lincoln's neighborhood.
The house Abrahm Lincoln lived in while Governor of Illinois. We had a rushed trip, so didn't get to explore inside the house or any of these other houses in Lincoln's neighborhood.
Interesting board sidewalk.
Great place to find lots of fences for my Good Fences post.
This is my favorite of the houses. There is something about the clean colors of yellow and white together.
...and just for fun, Punky Doodle's Halloween fence!
It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge. Below are my answers. 1. My hubs spent last weekend pheasant hunting. Are there hunters in your family? If so, what do they hunt? Which of the following have you tasted-pheasant, rabbit, venison, duck, goose? Which of those would you most like to taste, or be mostwilling to taste? JD is a deer hunter. We have venison in the freezer. We use some of it in place of hamburger, like in chili. I've had pheasant and duck at restaurants. My brother and I used to go rabbit hunting. Well, he hunted, I followed behind. I don't remember how it tasted, but we ate it so it must have been good.
Vegetarians keep calm and Hodgepodge on.
2. What high spot have you visited that gave you a wonderful 'bird's eye view' of something below? The Grand Canyon. Impressive but scary.
3. Do you have any birds in your home? These could be either real live pets or decorative, as in bird prints, knickknacks, fabric or pottery. Sadly, yes. Not real birds. Hubs has these carvings of ducks and an eagle. They do not go with my decor, but I put up with them.
4. Tell about a time you 'killed two birds with one stone'? My mind is blank.
5. Your favorite song with a bird in it's title? Rockin' Robin by Bobby Day
6. What most recently gave you goose bumps? JD was working the late shift and I was home alone. Fergus, who rarely barks, starting barking his mean bark and staring at the back door. I'm not sure what he heard, there wasn't anything out there, but scared me. 7. Halloween is this Friday...any plans? Did you trick or treat as a child? Carve pumpkins? Share your most memorable costume.
I used to love staying home and handing out candy to the little ghosts and goblins, now they have trunk-or-treat around our town square. I think it is a great idea, much safer for the kids, but I miss the old fashioned way. My favorite costume? I once dressed up as Alice Cooper.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Fergus is a little over a year old now. Every time a dog walks by he gets in the window and cries. So, we have been thinking of getting him a friend. Then we heard Fergus' mother had a trist with some unknown manly dog. Seems the unidentified father was probably a wire haired terrior. We will be bringing Findley home in a couple of weeks. Can't wait. I hope the boys get along. Linking to Wednesday Hodgepodge
The plaque says This casting of Lincoln's face was made by Clark Mills a few months before Lincoln's assassination. You can see how tired and aged Lincoln has become after the years of conflict. Please touch.
This is Sonny Boy doing as directed and touching Lincoln's head, which shines brightly after all the touching over the years.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will join in the fun.
My idea was to have a place to post 'old things'. Anything old
and/or deteriorating such as, but not limited to, old houses, barns, outbuildings, old cars, rusty things, antiques, interesting junk, or it can be something in pristine condition, but just old.
1. Link to a post featuring photos of something old.
2. Link back to Rubbish by Roan in your post.
3. As time allows, visit other participants and comment on their posts.