Back to the Linoln Museum.
The plaque says This casting of Lincoln's face was made by Clark Mills a few months before Lincoln's assassination. You can see how tired and aged Lincoln has become after the years of conflict. Please touch.
This is Sonny Boy doing as directed and touching Lincoln's head, which shines brightly after all the touching over the years.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will join in the fun.
My idea was to have a place to post 'old things'. Anything old
and/or deteriorating such as, but not limited to, old houses, barns, outbuildings, old cars, rusty things, antiques, interesting junk, or it can be something in pristine condition, but just old.
1. Link to a post featuring photos of something old.
2. Link back to Rubbish by Roan in your post.
3. As time allows, visit other participants and comment on their posts.