Sunday, June 15, 2014


Camera Club's assignment for June is, American Flag—tattered and torn. Since I don't have a picture, Fergus and i went for another ramble through the countryside. I did find a flag, but I won't post it until after Wednesday in case someone is practicing the art of espionage.

I did see a cardinale, a bluebird, and a few doves. Will I be posting pics of those? Nope. They were all too fast for me. Instead I will be posting pics of one of the few birds I seem to be able to get in front of my lens.
 As I drove up toward Lerna, I saw buzzards on the roof of this shed.
 This one...
 ...and that one...
...and these two. Ugly old things don't you think?

Linking to the Bird D'pot


TexWisGirl said...

i love these guys - and their cousins, the black vultures, too! :)

Gerald (SK14) said...

Great shots - buzzards are something we don't see in our neck of the woods.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

curious - what is Camera Club? a group you are in - within your town? ( :

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots of them!

Halcyon said...

I have always liked vultures. They have their own "pretty"! :)

Sarah said...

I take lots of photos of empty sky in my unending quest to get bird shots. We don't have anything like those buzzards in England, the kind we do have are far more timid and you tend to only see them hovering high up in the sky.

Duke said...

Mom thinks they're the ugliest birds - even more so than Muscovy duckies.

Anni said...

We see these too...sometimes, a lot!! But I still like 'em. They're part of our ecosystem and a 'must' to keep carrion cleaned up.

thanks for linking. Fabulous images, really!!!!

Unknown said...

Not the most handsome birds, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I love buzzards! These are fantastic captures!


A Colorful World said...

They have so much character!:-)

Pia said...

I think the buzzards look interesting :-)
You got great shots!

Brian King said...

Turkey Vultures are one of my favorite birds! Very nice shots!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

There is never a shortage of these ugly things around here.