Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good Fences

Today I'm posting more shots of my last visit with — okay I'm going to get off the track here and go with a name explaination. We always call daughter Tex, but since bloggers might get her confused with TexWisGirl, I'll now refer to her as Punky Doodle. This was my name for her when she was a pretty little redheaded girl. Today she is a pretty lady, but I still see her as Punky Doodle. Anyway, today I'm posting more shots of my last visit with Punky Doodle and the Grands.
Some people are irritated by slow moving farm equipment on the roads, but I always try to be patient and wait for an opportunity to safely pass. We followed a tractor for quite a distance with no room to pass on a narrow road. The tractor turned in here, where this cow was peeking over the fence. We might have missed him had we been traveling at a normal rate of speed. 
A bit farther down the road was a field of sunflowers. No fence, but there were gates.

Back in town, we took a walk through the downtown area and then walked to the library to meet up with #1 Grandson. On the way back to the car, we spotted this place of business.
After reading the sign and a little persuasion from a Grand or two, we decided to go in...
...and this is what we found. Yum! Punky Doodle doesn't allow her family to eat a lot of sweets or snack foods, so this was a special treat.

I'm linking to Good Fences today. Click on the picture below and come join in the fun!


TexWisGirl said...

well, my apologies to punky doodle for bumping her name out of your blog posts! :) sweet rural area and sweet cupcakes! and a little grandma spoiling to boot.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Punky Doodle is such a adorable name too bad Tex is so famous:) but I like this name.
$1 cupcakes where is that yummy. Oh your shots are incredible and please people slow down when you see a tractor you never know what you are missing and honestly you never know what lies ahead. Good advice Roan. HUG B

Hootin Anni said...

I like the nickname Punky Doodle. That is so cute and so original. Love the calf peeking from behind the fence.

Oh, and the cupcakes?!!! Yummy.

EG CameraGirl said...

I really like that field of sunflowers! And those $1 cupcakes look so inviting. Punky Doodle is a cute name. :)

Jenn Jilks said...

We are kindred spirits. I posted of the grandkids today.
Yes, I try not to be in a hurry enough that I cannot wait for slow moving tractors. We live in farm land.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Anonymous said...

I love these rural posts and the fences and gates are great. No sunflowers going to escape from that field! Punky Doodle is a sweet name and I bet the cupcakes were SWEET too! I didn't do Good Fences today because.. does this sound crazy, but we are leaving for St. Louis in just under an hour and I hate it when I can't do comments on other posts and answer comments on my post!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the name Punky Doodle and those cup cakes are fantastic value to $1 and looks yummy.

Janey and Co. said...

Yum..I would buy a cupcake too. Love the sunflowers.

Anonymous said...

I came here for your Good Fence but was taken by the cupcake sign. I like that style of signage. Thank you for visiting my Abe Lincoln fence.

Debby Ray said...

Punky Doodle is such a cute nickname...I like it! Love the great shot of the sweet cow and...well....a field of sunflowers just makes my heart go pitter patter. There is one near our cabin which we will be visiting next week...sure hope it's not raining so I can get a few shots of them!

Anonymous said...

This is such a colourful, cheerful post! I love the cow. See you next week...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you slowed down for the farm equipment - otherwise we wouldn't have seen these great sights, either! The field of sunflowers is especially beautiful!
Very cute bakery shoppe. I bet you're the kids' favorite grandma! :D


barbara l. hale said...

Glad to accompany you on your trip around Punky Doodle's town. Terrific photos!

eileeninmd said...

I love the sweet cow and the pretty sunflowers! The cupcakes look yummy! I like your daughter's nickname! Enjoy your day!

Gail Dixon said...

I can see where the name confusion could become a problem. I like your solution tho!

It's good to slow down so one doesn't miss anything. Those sunflowers are amazing!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love the 2nd shot for the clouds & fencing. those sunflowers are great too. but what takes the cake ... maybe i should say what takes the CUPcake. ha. ha!! those look so delicious!! drooling. ( :

Anonymous said...

The cupcakes look irresistible. I love the shot of the black cow and oh, - those sunflowers are fabulous!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The sunflower field is awesome!!! I would love to sit in the middle of it and just stay!! And the cupcakes are yummy! The cow looks like he is waiting for the farmer to come home!

Stephanie said...

Love the alternate name! Great captures and those cupcakes look delish!

Meggie said...

No way to pass up those cupcakes...they are begging to be tasted! Nice fences too!

Brian King said...

Beautiful sunflower fields!

orchid0324 said...

How I LOVE the name and your Punky Doodle's family must be wonderful family♡♡♡ Oh, I truly enjoyed the pictures of the sweet cow and beautiful scenery, especially sunflower, Roan.

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs to from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

A Colorful World said...

Awesome fence and field of sunflowers! Ooh,a cupcake can't be TOO bad! :-)