Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunflowers and Hummingbirds

Yesterday was a nice warm day, 88°. Although thunder and dark clouds caused Findley and I to hurry through our morning walk, it didn't rain. It seems our sunflowers like this rainy year. We have a good crop and more to come.
(Note the Findley photo bomb)
We have grown sunflowers beside our storage shed since we've lived here. 
I always see Goldfinches, Cardinals and other birds, but have never seen a Hummingbird enjoying the flowers until yesterday when this little lady showed up.
 She liked the yellow flowers... flowers...
 ...and multicolored blooms.
Happy Sunday!

Linking to the Bird D'pot


eileeninmd said...

Happy Sunday, Roan! I love the Findley and sunflower shot and your hummer images are just beautiful. I have never seen the hummers near the sunflowers. Great photos, enjoy your day!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Roan your photos are exquisite and made my morning. It can stop raining here anytime haying is just not going well. Hug B

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful shots - what a treat to have a hummingbird stay around that long.

Duke said...

The sunflowers have us smiling☺ Beautiful shots, Miss BJ!

barbara l. hale said...

How wonderful! The hummingbird is a special treat. Your sunflowers are beautiful. I wrote my last blog about visiting a sunflower farm in Connecticut. I love them.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Bright and sunny, lovely colored flowers. They are so pretty.

Linda Kay said...

There must be some sort of nectar in the sun flowers, and I had no idea it would attract hummingbirds.

Anni said...

This is new to me also. But when you think about it, I've seen woodpeckers [the TX goldenfronted] feeding in sunflowers and they also feed from the hummingbird nectar feeders, so I guess turn about is fair play.

FANTASTIC captures Betty. Thanks for sharing the link this weekend.

Stephanie said...

Nice to see a glimpse of where you live. Love the sunflowers!

Halcyon said...

I can see why the hummers were attracted to your flowers. They're so bright and beautiful!

Sarah said...

Beautiful photos - I so wish we had humming birds here in England!

Linda said...

Hello Roan, your photos are breathtaking and refreshing. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

Haddock said...

The Hummingbird is literally posing for you.
Love that sunflower.

Phil Slade said...

I'm wondering how unique it is to have a hummingbird feed from sunflowers like that as sunflowers are normally quite dry? Great pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful to get all these great photos of the hummers on your sunflowers. So sharp and clear!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots. I love your sunflowers.

A Colorful World said...

Just loved your beautiful photos! It's so good to see your posts, and I love these lovely sunflowers and your unexpected visitor.

Hannah said...

I'm growing red sunflowers for the first time, maybe the hummingbirds like them, but I haven't seen them visiting yet. I'll have to try the bigger sunflowers next year. Cool shots of the hummingbirds!

NatureFootstep said...

somewhat strange to see the small bird against the large flower :)